Thursday 10 June 2010

Dupont Hotel, Washington DC

Oysters and Chablis in Heathrow!

Arlington Cemetery - the Eternal Flame ...JFK

That's the White House!!!

Capitol Building.

We have had a hectic few days since arriving in DC. The Embassy staff have been brilliant and most form filling has been smooth. Our most annoying problem is the UK banks and getting at our own money!

Our DC bank accounts are now open and money is hopefully moving between the UK and here (slowly!). We have service ID cards so can now shop in the PX and the commissary at Fort Myer. We are also registered for free health care at Bethesda Hospital (also Health care providers for Obama!) Driving licences and Social Security Numbers are next along with transferring all our allowances so I can shop for lovely new stuff for the house!

We have some great friends out here who have made us very welcome (too many hangovers already!) We have another week in the hotel and then move into our house in McLean. The owners are great and have been very accommodating in letting us visit today. It's a great house.........not too huge but great for the next two years and large enough to cope with all our visitors.
Tomorrow Chris and I are having a day off and doing some sightseeing. (and maybe some shopping..........for cars!!) We are going to head over the Blue Ridge Mountains (no singing please??) and perhaps have a night in a motel. Photos to follow.

Speak soon.



  1. Well I managed it. I will follow with interest. Wendy x

  2. Wow looks like you are enjoying will have to tell me the best tourist things to do, no good asking Ad he has 'done' it already...........I want to be able to say 'been there' too......... So will it just be the one car and the Harley?
