Saturday 12 June 2010

Monuments...........Hot hot hot!!!

Today was monument day.... we were going to the Shenandoah Trail but had to get back to pick someone up from the airport so decided to do that next weekend!

So here they are:
The Washington Monument - you can go up inside the monument but have to book timed tickets in advance so we didn't! You go up in a lift and down the stairs!!!!!! Wait for the cooler weather.

Looking back from the Washington Monument to the WW2 monument and The Lincoln Memorial.

The Korean War memorial. This is the marble wall with a reflection on the statues shown amongst the carvings of hundreds of faces of those that lost their lives.

The platoon crossing a field heading towards the Stars and Stripes. These statues are larger than life.

Mr Lincoln........I presume! This is a MASSIVE statue.

Look at the pavement - this is where Martin Luther King stood when he made his 'I have a dream' speech.

The Lincoln Memorial - another huge building. There are 36 columns around the building - one for each of the States at the time of his death.

The reflecting pool looking towards the Capitol from Lincoln.

It was a really hot day today - up in the 90's. If your coming out to stay be aware and bring loads of sun cream!!!!

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